So yesterday I attended a career fair to represent my employer to future graduates as an employer of choice, and most importantly, to convince them that it is the one they want to work for. Now this isn't really a hard sell, and lets face it, if you know me well enough you know I can make almost anything sound like a good opportunity if given the chance.. a small part of me contains plenty of optimism.. which I was happy to share.. but after you have given the same spiel for the tenth time, it doesn't take much to enter the zone of boredom. So by 11:00am and with another three hours to go, this is where I found myself, which resulted in trying to find ways to amuse myself in between spiels; enter analyzing everyone around me. I decided from this that I was going to create a new 'generation' for my own benefit... generation have no effing clue; all the people from each generation who clearly missed the common sense gene when who ever put them here was handing out personality traits. Reasons to follow.....
I have no idea how many students came to talk to me about prospective employment opportunities, industry experience, internships or just to take a chocolate from my lolly bowl looking like they had rolled out of bed and put on their beach wear and thought a career fair seemed fun. One girl looked like she was heading to the nearest club to find a pole. I really wanted to remind them all that even if they have a degree in being amazing.. there is no way I would hire any of them due to the fact they clearly don't own a brush or a razor. Going to a career fair is as important as attending an interview.. if you are actually serious.
I have different examples of this, however the one that amused me the most was a lady who came to chat to me about her current graduation and now possession of a business management degree. When I questioned her career interests she stated she wanted to be a manager, when I tried to extract more information and prompted her as to what area... front office, sales and marketing etc... I got a blank stare and the response... not of an area, just a manager. I am not really to sure where her focus was throughout her degree because she apparently missed the major point that when your a manager you are still managing something!
Anyway I could go on and on for hours about this minority of our population, and you probably already get the point, but it made me wonder.. is being employable really that hard a concept to grasp? Maybe my expectations are set far to high because I am the person doing the employing so they can be, or because I am the one that has to spend all day asking people to tuck their shirt in or smile in front of guests... but really, shouldn't good people skills and personal presentation just come standard when your human?
Anyway I could go on and on for hours about this minority of our population, and you probably already get the point, but it made me wonder.. is being employable really that hard a concept to grasp? Maybe my expectations are set far to high because I am the person doing the employing so they can be, or because I am the one that has to spend all day asking people to tuck their shirt in or smile in front of guests... but really, shouldn't good people skills and personal presentation just come standard when your human?
i had a nice long comment and then landen turned the computer off and i can't be bothered writing it all again so i will condense it down to one short sentence:
ReplyDeleteMost people are shit!