Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Claiming marriage...

Before you continue I want to give some form of warning to all that are easily offended to close this window and take your opinion of the following elsewhere. It is my assumption that the this blog is offensive to someone, in fact many people I know.

One of my many hates in life is couples who claim marriage but arent actually married. I'm not talking about the people that have existed in a defacto relationship since Adam and eve got it on, I'm referring to people my own age who are at best 'in a relationship'. For the purpose of this rant, they shall be called fakes. Nothing crawls under my skin more than logging on to facebook and seeing the relationship status... Fake is married to fake... Seriously what a cop out to all of us who are actually married. Not only did we all pay the thousands of dollars for the privilege of the official title, we actually understand what 'married' means. Just because you live together and think that fakes the one, doesn't make you married.. Moron. There is so much more to it than this.. It's rewarding yet tedious and everything in-between, but most of all, it is everything these fakes clearly don't understand.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's cute that people feel like they are married and want to make it face book official.. And I would never tell them theyre a twat.. But deep down I'm truly peeved. There, I feel better already.


  1. I hate this as well. The only thing worse than this is two friends (not in a relationship) who claim marriage because they think it fun to call each other 'wifey'. Ugh.

  2. i dont know anyone who actually does this. (except some teenage retards who have friends etc as all their family members for fun) but as a serious thing....why would you - if you wanna be married then get married.
