Thursday, 31 March 2011

Craving Ink.

I have found myself this morning contemplating and craving another tattoo. The very thought of it makes me excited and I am not sure why.. all in all I am not really 'that type' (disgusting stereo type inserted) of person. I am not fond of looking like a walking canvas, nor do I want to have so many that I am judged for them, and if i was to be honest, I don't know what my attraction  is based on.. but it's there.

As a close friend of mine pointed out, it's a life long commitment, but I never really think of it that way. It just becomes another thing I added to my personality. I see it this way because of the meaning behind each of my current two.. and not in the 'this ink on my skin defines me, im twleve type of way'.. they are just reminders to me of moments in life that shaped my current personality. I do occasionally even look at them and remind myself of how far I have come. Alright, so I just read that back and it still sounds a bit preachy and twelve, but in my head it makes total non bogan sense.

The problem is that now I already have two I am so aware of the imense consideration getting anymore requires. I like the two I have, they are ink but I don't feel they make me look dirty. There is a fine line for me between what I would call enhancing your body for lack of a better word and completely trashing it. So many people I know have got tattoos that make me cringe. I don't want to have to add myself to this list. Ever. So I will sit on the final two I have wanted for awhile a little longer and compress the craving as I always do, just to make sure. But it is more than likely by the end of the year another one will emerge on my skin.

I often wonder if anyone else has the same cravings.. but don't act on them out of respect for their body.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

On.. Off.. On.. Off..

Unfortunately this post is just another all out whinge.. brace yourself.. I'm sure I will have something positive to say soon.

So my husband and I have this close friend, who once upon a time was wonderful.. and then he met a girl. Now don't get me wrong, the fact that he got himself a girlfriend is hardly a problem, nor is she really a problem on her own, I actually quite enjoy her.. mostly. The two of them together however are a slightly volatile combination. You never know if you are going to encounter a shit load of fun when you hang out with them or world war 455000. The number is of this war is so high, because to be honest, they spend a fair majority of their time at each other about every little detail or bagging each other out when not in each others presence. I am sure there is something they love about each other, I just struggle three years on to quite work it out from an outsiders perspective.

The clincher here is that this friend I'm referring to has never really been the same since they got together, more so in the last year. And I'm not saying this in reference to the normal things that happen when you shack up with someone. Personality wise he is just not all there and tells me quiet frequently when we do talk all the things he is miserable about. I guess this is the start of the problem.. I am pretty black and white, and very much of the opinion if you choose to have it, then live with it and don't whine.. which unfortunately he does, but then so does she. I probably should mention at this point that they do say nice things about each other too, i feel guilty as this is sounding slanderous.

A couple of weeks back they had a huge falling out that resulted in our friend forcing his girlfriend to move out by wrapping all her things in a bed sheet and dropping her on her mothers driveway. This proceeded by two weeks of him telling me everything he disliked about her, nothing new to report there, and all the reasons why he would be better off never sorting things out with her. When I questioned his commitment he assured me he was sticking to it this time.. this is one of many break ups I have lost count of. But alas, today they are back together. On it's own I guess this event is a celebratory one, but to be honest.. it has more or less resulted in me loosing all respect for everything our friend says. I don't really care who he does or doesn't date, but surely if your not going to continue your relationship.. be certain about it before you tell everyone, bad mouth your girlfriend, get your friends involved, make it facebook official etc etc. especially when its the 100th time your 'breaking up'.

I am not sure if I being completely over the top and dramatic with my feelings regarding this whole scenario, it feels like reminiscing high school every time I am exposed to them. I am not particularly interested in continuing to maintain this draining relationship going forward. What do you all think?

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The bubble of comfort.

All in all I have to be modest and say I am fairly proud of my life to date and what I have achieved. I have an amazing, even somewhat blissfully painful husband, a wonderful career and a well earned list of qualifications to support it. I have managed to furnish a home, do a little bit of travel, buy a car and support myself all before the age of 24. None of these things are as impressive as some of the things my friends have achieved such as having children and living overseas, well at least not in how I rank achievements through my eyes, but none the less I am proud. And in reality, I would be lying if i said I really cared what anyone else was doing anyway, I always have and always will only live for my own satisfaction.

The thing is lately that I haven't been content with where and what I have achieved. It occurred to me that somehow amongst everything I have done, I have remained living in the same place without really even noticing.. until now of course. This is the place I went to preschool, primary school, high school and university.. this is a problem. I am determined not to be the woman you meet that has never left the town where she grew up, made friends outside those she went to school with or explored anywhere other than where she has always gone because she never left her bubble of comfort. At the beginning of this year i realised i was in this bubble, just chilling, floating around, taking whatever came my way.. as long as it didn't require me to make any drastic changes in my perfectly molded life. I mean really, last year I moved 30 minutes drive from the place in question and it was the biggest thing I had ever done.. I didn't know where to get fuel or even where I could go to buy dinner when I was to lazy to cook. For me it was a crisis.

So now upon the realisation that I am becoming trapped in this routine life, I find myself half starring at the biggest  challenge and cross road of my life to date. I have applied for a job in another place completely. Although only three hours drive, if you haven't caught on already, I appear to have developed a phobia to change. Both myself and my husband are excited at what could be if I am successful in the position and are having a great time contemplating the adventures each night as we catch up from the day over our routine shower. But on the inside, we are both hoping it never happens so we don't have to face the unknown. It's funny to me to be so aware that I have found myself to be living in a bubble of comfort, yet slightly content by it and not willing to try to hard to burst it and run away. Five years ago I would have had every pin I could find on the job, but I guess having him means I no longer care where my bubble is, as long as we are floating and chilling in it together. Having said that, I am really hoping this job is the pin we both needed, it's time to blow our bubble in another direction.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Generation have no effing clue!

I should mention before I get in to this blog that I really do in fact like people.. just sometimes in a more sarcastic way than I probably should given I work closely with them each day.

So yesterday I attended a career fair to represent my employer to future graduates as an employer of choice, and most importantly, to convince them that it is the one they want to work for. Now this isn't really a hard sell, and lets face it, if you know me well enough you know I can make almost anything sound like a good opportunity if given the chance.. a small part of me contains plenty of optimism.. which I was happy to share.. but after you have given the same spiel for the tenth time, it doesn't take much to enter the zone of boredom. So by 11:00am and with another three hours to go, this is where I found myself, which resulted in trying to find ways to amuse myself in between spiels; enter analyzing everyone around me.  I decided from this that I was going to create a new 'generation' for my own benefit... generation have no effing clue; all the people from each generation who clearly missed the common sense gene when who ever put them here was handing out personality traits. Reasons to follow.....

I have no idea how many students came to talk to me about prospective employment opportunities, industry experience, internships or just to take a chocolate from my lolly bowl looking like they had rolled out of bed and put on their beach wear and thought a career fair seemed fun. One girl looked like she was heading to the nearest club to find a pole. I really wanted to remind them all that even if they have a degree in being amazing.. there is no way I would hire any of them due to the fact they clearly don't own a brush or a razor. Going to a career fair is as important as attending an interview.. if you are actually serious.

I have different examples of this, however the one that amused me the most was a lady who came to chat to me about her current graduation and now possession of a business management degree. When I questioned her career interests she stated she wanted to be a manager, when I tried to extract more information and prompted her as to what area... front office, sales and marketing etc... I got a blank stare and the response... not of an area, just a manager. I am not really to sure where her focus was throughout her degree because she apparently missed the major point that when your a manager you are still managing something!

Anyway I could go on and on for hours about this minority of our population, and you probably already get the point, but it made me wonder.. is being employable really that hard a concept to grasp? Maybe my expectations are set far to high because I am the person doing the employing so they can be, or because I am the one that has to spend all day asking people to tuck their shirt in or smile in front of guests... but really, shouldn't good people skills and personal presentation just come standard when your human?

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Claiming marriage...

Before you continue I want to give some form of warning to all that are easily offended to close this window and take your opinion of the following elsewhere. It is my assumption that the this blog is offensive to someone, in fact many people I know.

One of my many hates in life is couples who claim marriage but arent actually married. I'm not talking about the people that have existed in a defacto relationship since Adam and eve got it on, I'm referring to people my own age who are at best 'in a relationship'. For the purpose of this rant, they shall be called fakes. Nothing crawls under my skin more than logging on to facebook and seeing the relationship status... Fake is married to fake... Seriously what a cop out to all of us who are actually married. Not only did we all pay the thousands of dollars for the privilege of the official title, we actually understand what 'married' means. Just because you live together and think that fakes the one, doesn't make you married.. Moron. There is so much more to it than this.. It's rewarding yet tedious and everything in-between, but most of all, it is everything these fakes clearly don't understand.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's cute that people feel like they are married and want to make it face book official.. And I would never tell them theyre a twat.. But deep down I'm truly peeved. There, I feel better already.